Logbook entry

Its hell in there...

15 Dec 2017Tiger61378
Just taking a quick break from rescue ops at the Oracle.  The Longshot is performing well, allowing me to make a run in about 5 minutes or so, barring any picky passengers, and so far has hauled nearly 1400 souls out of the flames.  Speaking of...that station is hell.  Literally hell.  The interior is glowing red, the heat is insane, and there's constant explosions as tanks of oxygen and fuel burst around the dock.  And as if that wasn't enough, there's debris everywhere, just trying to capture your ship as you try to race for your pad, or race back out.  I pity those who are trying to sneak Belugas and Type 9s into there...how they keep from getting tangled up and cooked alive is beyond me.

And then there's the docking bays.  Its like something out of a 20th century news reel of the Vietnam evacuation, massive crowds hammering on the gates to the pads, shoving each other out of the way, crying children, bodies everywhere from trampling.  And all I can do is cram as many on board as possible each time, and go as fast as possible between the station and rescue ship to get back and pick up more.  And, of course, there's always the looming threat that the Thargoids will return to finish the job while we're evacuating...

Well, coffee break is over.  Time to get back to it...once more unto the breach, dear friends, and let's see how many we can save.
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