Logbook entry

The Sothis Run...dry, but not really

20 Oct 2015Tiger61378
Well, looks like something has changed.  Sothis isn't the massively rich system it used to be, with multimillion credit missions all over the place.  Not sure what happened...maybe the folks running it are getting low on cash?  The station seems to be getting a bit more complete...and that's never a cheap option!  But...there's still cash to be made there.  And its called Sothis Crystaline Gold.  Yesterday I was contacted by the RDS Expert System, asking me to go and collect around a hundred tons for some experimentation with our technology.  So...I pulled the old Long Haul out of storage, refitted her fuel scoop (had been doing short range cargo running with her recently), and headed out.  450 light years later, I pulled into Sothis and found 200 tons of Crystaline Gold waiting for me at a bit over 15k per ton.  Ok, that's about 2.5 million credits, and my bank account is looking mighty thin now, but what the hell.  I'll risk it...

The run back home was pretty uneventful, other than one rather stupid pirate that interdicted me while I was busy trying to find a scoopable star (damn computer plotted a route that hit EVERY unscoopable star over a 200ly radius).  Too bad I pulled the KWS off a few weeks ago, although I probably would only have gotten about 10k out of that pathetic excuse for a pirate and their not-very-upgraded Imperial Eagle.  Ah, well...

Once I made it back to Thome, I called up the local commodities market and checked to see what my cargo was worth.  Wait...does that say 36,000cr per ton?  Seriously?  22,000cr profit PER TON?  Damn...its a long way, but not too bad a cash turnover!  Still, not doing that again soon...too far, too long, and not enough other reasons to go.
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