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To hell and back...

14 Jan 2018Tiger61378
Well, its still happening. Stations are burning across the Pleiadaes, and the latest victim is probably the most important station out here. Obsidian Orbital. The station we all gathered together to build, and named after one of the best known explorers in human space. And those insectile bastards have blown it to hell. So...once more into hell, although this time I've got something a TAD bit larger. Enter the Wandering Star, an Anaconda-class freighter kitted out with 160 passenger seats (for now) and enough firepower to keep the refugees alive if needed. Still...there's a lot of problems out in that station...and the Star isn't the most nimble of ships. At least she's doing things well, and handling beautifully while screaming in and out of that hell hole, with explosions and flames all around, and echoing of the screams of the damned. Seriously, why attack Obsidian? Those fucking bastards from Aegis don't even have their fingers in this station, as far as I can tell. Maybe it had something to do with Professor Palin's collection point for Thargoid relics being on board...if only he had laid off of the constant barrage of requests for Thargoid technology samples, biological samples, etc every time a CMDR docked here, and had stopped paying in the tens of millions for just a couple of tons of the crap (not that I'm going to complain TOO much, he paid me close to 80 million for 16 tons of the stuff...guess I'm part of the problem too).

Well, time to call it a night. The Star's paint is a bit scorched now, and there's soot blocking the red glow from her warpaint, but I think that she's holding up well. Maybe I'll try and convince my Taipan pilot to go out and scrub her down while I take a rest...or at least to find some locals who are willing to do it cheap.
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