Logbook entry

Back in black

07 Jan 2016Tiger61378
Well, the shipyard FINALLY got that POS Adder fixed yesterday. I immediately took it out and headed over to Achenar...and discovered that my prisoner haul contract had expired in the meantime, making my final trip less than profitable. Ah, well, it happens. Time to head home...I sold the Adder (and good riddance to that bug-riddled hunk of junk...that's the LAST time I buy a small used cargo ship!), hopped into the Emperor's Hand, and noticed an interesting message from the local shipyard. Turns out that all CMDRs were being given a free application of jet black paint to any ship they happened to want painted. Needless to say, I couldn't resist the chance to make my little Courier look even more badass than it already did, so I applied it before heading back home to HIP 16607.

And, naturally, on my way home (and with only a few jumps remaining), my computer system went a bit strange again. I swear that the Adder is trying to get back at me for stripping and selling it! Ah, well, within a few hours I should have things sorted out and be back at Thome again. I hear that the rest of the guys from Red Dice Systems have a pretty huge party waiting for me...and lord knows that Eddie knows where the good booze is, not to mention Scud's onionhead (I still havn't figured out where he grows that stuff, but DAMN is it amazing). It will be nice to be home for a little while as I come to grips with the new landing modules, and then I think its time to head back out into the black again.
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