Logbook entry

Landing module malfunction, and back into the deep

08 Jan 2016Tiger61378
Well...been a rough 24 hours. I finally managed to make it home, and was immediately told that my ships have a major issue with the planetary landing packages. For some reason the operating systems refuse to accept them, and they say it may take months to figure out just why. This frustration was enough to drive me nuts...and when I start getting crazy, random people start getting dead. Its a perfect opportunity to get far, far away from inhabited space for a while til I cool off.

So I headed down to my hangar and looked around. At first I was thinking about dusting off the Endless Transit, but I decided that I needed something far more luxurious for this trip. Fortunately, luxury is sitting in the far corner...my Clipper, the Lady Sandra. After a few hours of refitting (and a nice boost to my bank account from stripping unneeded modules and downgrading others to increase my jump range), she was ready to fly...and I set course straight "up" from Thome. I've been travelling through inhabited space so far, not finding anything really interesting (that hasn't been found already that is), but I did end up having to stop off at a Federal station for some repairs after I got jumped by a psycho who was just looking for an easy kill (nothing like running away on under 40% hull when you're just starting a long distance journey). Currently I'm hanging out in space near HIP 50582 A2, just taking in the sights and preparing to shut down for the night. I'll be back at it tomorrow...and have no idea where I'm going to end up. I have a few ideas (the Formaldine Rift, Beagle Point, Sag A* and the core...), but really I don't know. Second star to the right, and straight on til morning my friends. I'll see you folks out in the deep black.
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