Logbook entry

Deep space travel

11 Jan 2016Tiger61378
Well folks, this log is coming from about 1500ly outside the bubble (I think), and I'm still going "up" through the galactic plane. Its spooky up here...the farther I get, the darker half the sky seems to me. Its almost like pictures I've seen of airliners flying across the coastline of old Earth at night...water below, black sky above. Only there's far, FAR less stars up there. There are voices though...but I think that's just my cybernetics acting up again. Either that or there's an AI hiding up here trying to make contact...I really hope not, I've come to enjoy my freedom. Soon I'll be diving back into the galaxy a bit at least, there's a few nebulae up ahead that look interesting, and they're along my general route of travel towards the core.

The last few jumps have been a bit more eventful for me as well. I finally reached a region of space where I'm the first one here...for the first 1kly or so I've seen nothing but pre-explored systems. Now that's thinning out, and I'm getting more and more that are barren of tags, meaning I have a good chance of being the first person to have seen them (provided I'm not following some other explorer out, who will be home before I am). Such a great feeling to be the first to see things...even if it is just more of the same things I've already seen thousands of times before. Ah, well, discovery is why I do this, along with being far enough away from others that I don't hurt anyone unnecessarily (I'm STILL annoyed with the shipyard about my landing computers....).

Well, back at it folks. The Lady Sandra is a little battered right now (had a couple of close encounters with stars which cooked me slightly, but she's doing fine for now and I have a few AMFUs ready to call to action if needed), but she's a good ship. She'll get me out there and back, and will do it in style.
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︎3 Shiny!
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