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Alcohol & Asteroids don't mix....

19 Jan 2016Tiger61378
Well...that could have gone better. A few nights ago I'd been working my way through the galaxy, slowly closing in on the Traikaae AA nebula (very difficult navigation to get there with a roughly 25ly jump range), and found an interesting High Metal planet with metal rich rings where I thought I'd park for the night. So, naturally, being a bit cocky I decided to drop in and play in the rings a little bit, but that Centauri Mega-Gin I'd been hoarding since my days running scrap to Hutton must have gotten a bit stronger, especially after a very long day of flying. I started going full speed through the rocks, rolling around to avoid them, and then saw a couple that looked like I could pull an immelman up through...CRUNCH "Shield failure, hull integrity compromised, atmosphere leak in cargo bay 2". Ah, crap...I have a very long way to go on this trip still, and now I'm going to be doing it on 57% hull integrity, and I found that I've lost a bit of my food supplies (not to mention my excercise courts are now low G and a bit lacking in atmosphere...going to take a bit to get that hole in the bay 2 cargo hatch fully repaired) . Ah, well...live and learn, and stop playing with the damn rocks!

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