Ghost Squadron - Raven Division - Expedition Procedure
09 Aug 2015Zeph Koenig Rayleigh
Raven Division - Expedition Procedure by Squadron Leader - Commander Zeph"Ex astris scientia"
I'll explain the procedures with multiple wings, hyperspace, navlock, route checking and first discoveries.
When having multiple wings/fleet:
- The wing leader should be the one has the higher jump range that covers all the jump ranges of his fellow wingmen.
- Planned fast routes are for wing leaders only.In case of people left behind see rule 5.
- Wingmen should have navlock enabled on their wing leader.
- The wingleader's jump should occur once every wingmen has his FSD charging and aimed at the next destination.
- If someone is behind for different reasons, my advise is to wait for them and or tell them to plan a fast route that covers most of the wing leader's systems
- Since it's a long journey, we should take fleet breaks.Planned breaks should be discussed in-TS(ingame)
- Since we have different timezone wings/pilots, the same destination should be the same in case we can be together at certain times for some group photos and perhaps further exploration around the ending destination
- Now, in terms of first discoveries - in my opinion the awards for first discoveries can be distributed for pilots with less/none awards.We also should discuss about that in-TS(ingame)
Further suggestions/corrections/opinions/etc are recommended