Logbook entry

Nothing but a T-thing

05 Feb 2024T'ien Lung
Have you tried the Mac & Cheese Sloppy Joe at the RunCo Outpost in Balak? Not??? Something that you clearly missed in your life!
The juicy meat with soft 'n stretchy cheese pasta, in a freshly baked baguette... That's why it's worth the detour.

Someone tell me why your feast has to be interrupted by the wailing of alarm sirens. The damn Thargoids won't leave me alone here either. Did they just have to run down this little out-of-the-way system? So it happened that we have been fighting to defend the station for days. Take off, fight, land, repair. In endless circles. Everyone performs superhumanly, including the pilots, the crew, and the civilians who are trapped here. Our lives are at stake. Everything that can fly is fighting outside, everyone in here is repairing the damaged ships, reloading them, or just trying to keep the station together for the next hour...

The space around the outpost erupted into a chaotic ballet of gunfire and exploding Thargoid ships. The pilots fight valiantly, weaving through the alien attackers, dodging corrosive projectiles, and unleashing salvos of their own. The recent onslaught of Thargoid attacks had cast a shadow over the outpost, turning it from a food lover's paradise into a battleground for survival.

We could leave, but for many people, this is their home. There is not much difference between the cold of space and the cold of death. The message was clear: "We're not giving up this outpost without a fight. All pilots, form up and target the Thargoid Interceptors. We need to buy time for the repair crews and give the civilians a chance to evacuate."
We chose this. We hold out as long as possible and trust that the Pilot Federation will come to our aid in time...

As the battle rages on, hope seems to dim.

My unfinished Mac & Cheese Sloppy Joe long forgotten during the chaos, still awaits its destiny on the counter...
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︎1 Shiny!
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