Cmdr Carc0sa
Mercenary / Special agent
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Benelux Commanders

Logbook entry

Shadows of Notoriety

31 Mar 2023Carc0sa
Commander's Log, Stardate 3309.

As the commander of the Cobra, I, Carc0sa, found myself deep in the Waruts system, lending a hand to the Benelux Commanders. Unbeknownst to me, the illegal activities I had partaken in had led to a level 10 notoriety and a bounty on my head. Consequently, an Advanced Tactical Response unit was dispatched to hunt me down.

While cruising near the planet of Waruts A5, the Advanced Tactical Response unit managed to track me down and initiated an attack. To my horror, I discovered that my pursuers were none other than the dreaded Blue Epaulettes - a ruthless force dispatched to apprehend the most fearsome criminals when standard system security forces are inadequate. Outnumbered and outgunned, I engaged in a fierce dogfight against three Blue Epaulettes.

As the battle raged on, my Cobra's engine suffered significant damage, forcing me to make an emergency landing on the nearby planet. I killed all power to my ship and set up camp, hoping to evade my pursuers while troubleshooting the damaged engine.

While working tirelessly for hours to repair the engine, my scanner suddenly detected movement nearby. Blinded by a flashbang, I instinctively assumed it was the Blue Epaulettes closing in on me. I quickly grabbed my TK Aphelion, a grade 5 engineered weapon capable of shredding their shields, and opened fire in their direction.

The intense combat that ensued was a blur of energy blasts, evasive maneuvers, and calculated risks. My TK Aphelion made quick work of their shields, causing sparks to fly and armor to disintegrate under the barrage. The Blue Epaulettes were relentless, however, and their return fire was just as fierce, forcing me to take cover and strategically move between positions.

As their shields finally fell, I activated my Faster Handling skill and quickly switched to my Karma AR-50. The powerful weapon proved to be the decisive factor in the battle, as its rapid fire tore through the Blue Epaulettes' defenses and brought them to their knees. With the last of them defeated, I could finally catch my breath.

With no time to waste, I returned to the task of repairing my Cobra's engine. Through sheer determination and resourcefulness, I managed to bring the engine back to life. With the threat neutralized and my ship once again operational, I made my escape, leaving the desolate planet and the remnants of the Blue Epaulettes behind.

The experience served as a stark reminder of the dangers that come with notoriety, and the relentless pursuit of those determined to bring me to justice. I must tread carefully as I navigate the galaxy, for the shadows of my past actions will never be far behind.

End of log.
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