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Wongo - A Scientific Inquiry into the Motivations of a Terrorist.

21 Sep 2017Dr. Glaboski
Wongo - A Scientific Inquiry into the Motivations of a Terrorist.

Case Study: CMDR. #TAGER X


In the last few days, the Pegasi region has been wracked with strife and war. A peaceful order which had been established and maintained was shattered. People were given fruitful and productive lives under the careful administration of Black Omega. Lives they would not have had under the tyranny of the Federal Overlords from whom they were liberated. However, this way of life has been upheaved in the most callous and selfish of ways. A single man, working under the name Commander Daman has taken it upon himself to end this peaceful way of life enjoyed in the Pegasi region.

Working from Commander Daman’s own logs as a baseline, I will attempt to delineate the lies that he spun from the truth of the matter. I first must stress that Cmdr Daman has lied from the very beginning. On paper he has chosen the moniker Daman, but has in fact been registered by the Pilot’s Federation as CMDR. #TAGER X. A man who claims to believe in the work that he is doing, I have to question as to why he would hide behind a pseudonym.

Taken directly from CMDR. #TAGER’s K-cast transmission: “It wasn't a place of our choosing - Wongo [...].” The aggression brought about in Wongo was a direct result of CMDR TAGER actively choosing that system to stage his coup. By his own confession he chose that system for its relatively small population. And as a smaller population he saw an opportunity to more easily persuade them into his distorted lines of thinking. A bit of psychology must be explained here. Using a simple analogy I will reconstruct CMDR TAGER’s blatant attempt to spread discord among the peaceful population of Pegasi.

Give a boy a bowl with a single scoop of ice cream, and he will be happy. Grateful for the treat. A blessing as he enjoys what has been given to him. Give his peer two scoops, and all of a sudden the first boy sees what he wasn’t given. Gratefulness turns to bitterness, and what was once a blessing now becomes forgotten in jealousy. Promise a third boy three scoops, and the first two become even more resentful, even if the three scoops offered is a lie. CMDR. TAGER has done such a thing. By turning the eyes of the smaller population of Wongo away from the blessings they had, he had sown the seeds of discontent. His price for the alternative was high, and those good people paid with their lives.

CMDR TAGER continues to state, “Though I know this is just the first feint in a long, protracted and painful conflict against Omega - tears rolled down my face as I think of those who are giving up their lives for this struggle.” Fitting for a man that had yet to step up to the plate and fight. By effectively sowing dissatisfaction among the uneducated population of Wongo, he brainwashed them into taking up arms while sitting back and watching the bloodshed from afar. In fact, for a man who claims to be a “freedom” fighter he has done little to no fighting. The leader of the Galactic Railroad movement believes so much in the work of freeing those in “tyranny,” he himself had shown a complete lack of scruples when they become fodder. But melodramatically, and insultingly to their memory, he “wept” for them. As a farce, we see that when CMDR TAGER is faced with the same opposition personally he turns tail and runs, effectively demonstrating that he had little to no remorse for those who sacrificed themselves for his cause. Adding insult to injury, he publicly praised his own poetic scribblings rather than making reparations for his failed strategy. A weak leader, more concerned about his perceived status on social media, he twists the truth by painting his epic failures in a thin veneer of “It was always part of the plan.” Coupled with a poor understanding of the political atmosphere CMDR TAGER plows on trying to convince the social community that he is some sort of pariah on the galactic stage. His resounding loss in Wongo left the markets open and free, the reason for which he couldn’t seem to understand. Claiming that he took the station commander by the collar and roughing him up is laughable considering that he runs at the first sign of confrontation and points to the fact that he lives in a fertile, yet deranged fantasy of his own imagination.

It is of my professional opinion that CMDR TAGER suffers from an extreme case of schizophrenia. One moment addressing the real live denizens of the galactic community, then in the next some sort of senile state grips his fragile mind and ego and he begins to address some larger community that, by best explanation, exists outside our own understanding and only within his own psyche. We saw this behaviour clearly demonstrated with his ramblings about some inane poetry he supposedly created and the imaginary “outcry” it garnered from his opposition. Desperately trying to gather laurels from whatever source he can, real or fictional, the leader of the Galactic Railroad is not fit to lead anything including a mangy cur. He called himself a terrorist as if that justified his bloody cause. In reality, he is simply delusional and the real cost of his mental illness was paid in blood by the innocent lives of the men, women, and children of Wongo.

Dr. Herbert  J. Glaboski
Ph.D Neurobiology and Neuroreconstruction.
Chief Medical Director, The Glaboski Institute for Better Health.
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