Logbook entry

Log 4 01.15.2015 - Sophis Mining Loading PC on the fritz in some instance(s)

15 Jan 2017MBaldelli
Well, I now officially have enough credits to purchase the "dream" DBS that I've been eyeing for Bounty Hunting missions. Of course, it won't leave me enough for insurance, but that's something I'll be working on within the next week.

Trying to perform a couple of quick runs before I end up station-side for the remainder of the day didn't go without a hitch as I returned from the rejected Tip Off Mission in the Torno System. Landed at my current home port of Newholm Station, swapped out my SRV pod with the extended cargo bay and then started queuing up data courier runs to New Dawn. Seemed to go well and then headed to Sothis Mining to pick up their courier runs.

First accepted courier mission failed instantly.

Scratched my head and saw a sweet deal of moving 10 tons of silver. That failed immediately as well.

Two more courier missions accepted and failed immediately.

Gave that up and left the station, heading for Ceos.

Turns out that as I was about to punch it to Ceos, my board indicator showed that I had stolen cargo. Apparently, the loader computer put 9 tons of silver onto my ship in spite of the fact that I had no fines. I had to jettison it outside of Sothis Mining before heading to New Dawn if only because I didn't want to deal with fines and decreased reputation at that station. After all, they've treated me right enough that I don't need the disrespecting and incriminating looks for arriving with stolen cargo.

If I have enough time, I might do some runs in the evening. Until then, I'll be up to my neck in PC troubleshooting at a friend's.
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