Logbook entry

Log 5 - Leg 1 01.16.3303

16 Jan 2017MBaldelli
As of this entry, I have attained the credits and the necessary stipend for purchasing the dream DBS I've been eyeing the last couple of weeks.

Checking through the local database, it would appear that I can pick it and a healthy chunk of what I want to put into it at Young Dock in the Torno System. This is including a 3A Fuel Scoop so that I can fly it to the engineers for modifying the FSD and Thrust drives for better fuel economy and other features not normally associated to the drives.

Although at the time of this entry, I'm split between getting myself a fuel scoops as a temporary solution for tooling in and out of the Bubble, or if I should go with the landing computer module for those times where I don't feel like doing all this manual controls. Knowing me and the rarity of the Docking Computer Module rarely knackering up -- I'll stick with the fuel scoop as I rarely (if ever) have problems with landing at most facilities.

Also at this point, I'm allied with both the powers in the Sothis region of space as well as all the factions located there. While it's good that I've maxed out reputation there and the pay is good, I think at this point I might want to consider temporarily moving back to the Bubble so that I can work on the other factions within the Federation or branching out towards the Alliance groups closer to the Wing I am now part of.

It'll be a cold day in hell that I'll work with the Imperials. While the thought of obtaining the Prismatic Shield Arrays might be enticing, I am firmly and adamantly against any possibility of slave-trading. That includes working for any organization that would promote slavery in any way, shape or form. That means if I come across any Imperials along the way, I guarantee they will be seeing the business end of my weapons first and foremost.

Time to enjoy a lunch, some down-time and then afterward, I'll be pointing my nose towards Torno for my next acquisition.
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