Logbook entry

Log 6 01.17.3303

17 Jan 2017MBaldelli
As the science fiction author Frank Herbert once said, “Bureaucracy destroys initiative. There is little that bureaucrats hate more than innovation, especially innovation that produces better results than the old routines. Improvements always make those at the top of the heap look inept. Who enjoys appearing inept?”

Although as I'm also fond of saying not only does it destroy initiative, it utterly decimates hope and faith in humanity. And that's how I spent most of my morning. Going through registrations, signing forms, shuffling forms, going between desks and departments and finally with all my forms in order was able to run naked, screaming into the streets in joy and relief.

All right not so much naked. It's 0 C at the moment and not the sort of thing one should do unless walking pneumonia is the goal of the moment. Thanks but no thanks, I've had my fill with Norovirus the same time last year.

On a whim, I got myself and the new spaceship smell of the DBS back to Newholm Station. Did a few courier runs between New Dawn and Newholm Stations finding out that Ceos has gone back to civil war. While they are high intensity and I feel I'm not ready for them, I might check them out later on when they slow down a little. If not? I'm going to be heading out to deep space for some exploration instead.

My impulse for coming back to the Ceos area was two-fold. Missions at Torno were scarce coupled with the thought that reputation grind was going to be long and too tedious for the likes of me. The second is that I'm 20% short of a promotion within the Federation and thought it would be faster in Sothis/Ceos than in the Torno System.

It would be faster but damned it's hard to hunker down to do the missions given I now have a fighter and want to cut my teeth on trying out the skills with it. I'll just have to get it out of my system some time in the near future before going back to "business as usual"...

Time for me to have supper and wind down for the time being. I might head out quietly this evening or immerse myself in a VR. Whatever I'll do, it'll be tallied in tomorrow's log. Today? I'm through with my fill of bureaucracy.
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︎3 Shiny!
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