Logbook entry

Log 7 - Leg 1 01.18.3303

18 Jan 2017MBaldelli
It was one of those sort of nights, I just couldn't get comfortable. I was in my billet at Newholm Station and looking at the time, realized that I wasn't going to be sleeping any time soon.

I got to the Docking Bay the Eiriksson was stowed in, while beginning my usual pre-flight checklist while monitoring the station mission board saw neither any really juicy courier jobs nor assassination missions I could cut my teeth while flying the Heyerdhal within the Federation's Little Bubble, I decided on a whim it was high time to fulfill my aspirations from the days at the Pilot's Academy and head out into the great unknown to perform the Deep Space Exploration that I always wanted to do.

I don't remember which system I stopped in eventually, but I do remember it was a G-Class Star which had previously explored and finally enjoying the great black all around me I decided on falling asleep while feeling the gentle rumble of the idle FSD drive and listening to the gentle whisper of the air circulation system.

I continued for a couple of more hours, finishing up at Wredguia QR-D C12-4 before heading back to Sothis to get an idea on wear & tear along with the money earned for DSE work. Even got my named credited to that system too as I was the first to scan it and everything orbiting that star.

As it turns out -- 2.5 hours of exploration work hauled in a modest 550+K credits and got many of the planets and some of the stars missed by other explorers attached to my name to them.

Wear was a bit more than I expected, but given the amount of work I did coupled with the distances I traveled, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Nothing a quick run through the shop and touching up the paint and I'm ready to go again this afternoon.

When I got back to Newholm Station, I also tweaked out the systems so that I can mark my exploration work in future logs as I plan on staying out in deep space for days at a time instead of hours (now that I'm used to handling the Eiriksson through a fuel scooping operation around the KGB-FOAM stars along the way).

And with that, time for me to hit the gym, then the mess hall and afterwards the Post Exchange for extended bivouacs in the great beyond.
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︎0 Shiny!
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