Logbook entry

Log 7 - Leg 2 01.18.3303

19 Jan 2017MBaldelli
Ah, nothing like a ship's system failure in the middle of nowhere and then a complete systems failure after cashing in the work that I had done for the day.  All because I was sitting in Open Systems instead of solo...  I'm not sure whether I want to try that out again tomorrow or not, but we'll see.  

Seems that while I was able to synchronize my information with EDSM and EDDB, Inara is currently going through a systems hiatus as the coding for the logs needs to be updated.  So in the interim, the following list here are the systems that I had logged through with the second list being the systems currently carrying my name on them...  Something I'm rather proud of in spite of the fact that I was scared for a moment that the information was going to be lost to a systems glitch...

So the total amount of credits earned from this expedition has been:
202,431 credits
20,284 credits bonus

Tomorrow or the day after, I'm heading back to Wredguia RL-L b22-0 to finish up what I couldn't because of the first system glitch...
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