Logbook entry

Log 12 01.23.3303

23 Jan 2017MBaldelli
Current System:

So after a day's worth of rest and correspondences and communications with a fellow deep space explorer in my wing, I've set off anew with a goal in mind that I will try to do daily and coupled with all the stars in front of me -- I set off along the next path I have set up for the day and then this happens....

While I'm not frazzled about this, I find myself sort of in confusion of how many people take up the call for exploration and leave the distances to the next start in a binary (or trinary) alone as they're frantically searching for the big pay out of the next earth-like or terraformable they can find in the galaxy.  

The fact is, yes Earth-likes and Terraformable planets are BIG payouts.  40,000 credits (or somewhere in that ballpark) each.  But at the present time because of the regulation agreed upon by the Pilot's Guild to the Big Three (Federation, Empire and Alliance), we are unable to land on them.  All we can do is find them, scan them and move on.  

A slower payout that allows we pilots and commanders to land upon are the rocks/moons, and certain high metal planets without any atmosphere.  Sure it takes 100 of those sort of scans for the former, and 10 for the latter  but thanks to the lack of restrictions we can investigate them to our heart's content.  Further, we're ablew  to mine them for materials for our ship tweakings with the Engineers or for various Syntheses for maintaining peak performance with our ships.  

And let's face it...  only a miniscule part of the galaxy has been discovered.  What better way to leave your mark on the galaxy for you and your descendants...  Even if your name happens to be Manfaced Missletits (and yes, there were more than a few stars and planets identified by that Commander).  

Another thing that I want to comment on from the above picture is don't let that distance or the estimated times inhibit you from exploring.  One of the greatest joys of the FSD drive is how it will speed up exponentially in the void between the stars.  That distance when recorded only took me 8 minutes to cross and at one point I was going more than 600c.  While it's try I might be inhibited from traveling 2,000,000 LS to the next star...  500K is a good time to enjoy a bio-break, making some coffee or getting a quick bite to eat from the galley.  Take advantage to stand up, stretch and get a little circulation to those joint and that posterior.  After all, that pilot's seat and suit we wear might be somewhat comfy and perhaps even ergonomic; millions of years of evolution Mother Nature ensured we were better built for regular activity.  And let's face it 8,000 or so years of evolution aren't going to be undoing that any time in the near future.  

The other good news is that I seem to be far enough outside the bubble that NPCs aren't trying to gank me for the non-existent "tasty" cargo I'm not carrying ...  No instead I can't begin to count how many distress signals I'm picking up per system as I'm scanning and moving on.  While I might want to help, the logic of them being out here -- even if it's a pirate's trap -- makes no sense to me other than the fact that it's RNG activity.  I think there's another part of the long laundry list I'm going to be working on this week to the developers.

And for the second and third legs of today's trip, I needed to head back to Sothis because I had a pretty bad accident getting within the orbital area of a Red Classed Superheated Star that had wrecked me to the point where I lost both of my heat sinks and had more than a little damage on all of the sub-systems of the Eiriksson.  I could have gone one without it, but I didn't want to risk the ship or the data I had collected so it was better to be safe than sorry with all the planetary data I had collected.

Sure, a majority of that data was rocky worlds and moons, but the good news is that I turned in a total of 9 high metal worlds for the added bonuses.  Now for this part of the attempt, I need to try out landing on planets for some of the mats that I can collect.  See how much damage I could cause with the landings within the gravity well.

And with me back to where I was, it's time for me to put together the suggestions I have floating about here on a hand-written laundry list.
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︎0 Shiny!
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