Logbook entry

Log 15 01.26.3303

27 Jan 2017MBaldelli
Current System:  Synuefe MA-M b41-7

So the clean up of the semi-explored systems that have been scanned with the CHZ continues, although I'm finding that I'm hitting more and more completely unexplored systems at more than 950 LYs out from Sothis.  Some interesting information to point out:  

So close and yet so far from being an Earth-like.  Seems to be predominantly ammonia and oxygen.  Although the standard pressures is entirely too high and the temperatures entirely too cold.  But from space it looks like a trip to Doom.

Interestingly this planet is more than 10K LS from its parent star and the only planet in the system.  Based on it's location, tilt, and orbital revolution it's definitely another rogue planet.

After that?  It's just a whole lot of more of the same.  At least I'm happy to have access to all the podcasts I've been ignoring the last few months.  I'm getting caught up on all the stories I haven't listened to while I was finishing up Piloting School.  The next time I'll pull into base, I'll be sure to pick up the podcasts and vids that have queued up automtically.
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