Logbook entry

Log 20 02.01.3303

01 Feb 2017MBaldelli
Well, it's been a couple of days and I've been happily playing courier between Ceos & Sothis, with the occasional run to far flung parts of the Federation delivering... Yep, bio-waste of all things.  The sludge might stink to high heaven, but at least the pay is better than most of the non-combustibles and perishables that I might have run in the past.  Not to mention it's not as though I'm going to be fined for carrying illegal or stolen goods at the various delivery sites.  

After a couple of high pressure washes to the cargo hold, you'd never know I was transporting the fluids that created the fictional hero -- Swamp Thing.  

Overall, it's not too shabby.  
  1. I made 17,168,154 million credits in three days
  2. I've been promoted to Chief Petty Officer within the Federation.

While I had mis-reported it in my dossier, I can tell you that I now have access to the Vega and Beta Hydri Systems and earned enough reputation for purchasing the Federal Assault ship. Not that I will given I'm a deep space explorer by nature.. But perhaps in the future, I might aim for the Corvette if only to prove the worth of my e-peen or something.

Time for some down time at the local cantina here at LHS 139. It'll be better than the mess hall at Sothis. At least here there's more green and that means, more fruits and vegetables.
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