Logbook entry

Log 21 02.02.3303

03 Feb 2017MBaldelli
Checking my bank account, I'm just under 2 million credits short of I just made the creditss for the next acquisition that I have in my sights:  An Asp Explorer.  While I'm thinking it's more durable than the Eiriksson although I'm hearing that the drive sounds are more like the old Cessna aircraft of the early 20th century instead of something throatier like the Federation Corvette..  But if worse comes to worst -- I can always listen to more music during the expeditions to drown out the mighty sound of Cessna engines.  

I'm currently at Itza.  Not sure whether or not I'll be doing any more missions for the day.  If I do it'll be the easier courier work in the Sothis area.  Until I make that decision however, I'll enjoy some of the sites, sounds and local life here.
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