Logbook entry

Log 28 02.10.3303

11 Feb 2017MBaldelli
Current System: Wregoe VF-N c20-3

Day 1

After a near accident within Barjavel Station, which was easy to remedy once the controls were manually connected and aligned -- I'm once again back into the Deep Black.

It's good to be back in the Eiriksson's cockpit.

It's great to see the stars, nebulae and planets as one is high-waking from one system to the next to the next.

I don't want to talk about the mundane I went through while grounded. It's enough to have survived it from day to day.

I don't have much to mention as I did a couple of finishing scans on systems, but I guarantee they were uneventful.

We'll see how it goes for the next 4 days as I get used to the new controls.
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︎0 Shiny!
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