Logbook entry

Entry 33 - 05.09.3303

09 May 2017MBaldelli
Current System: Outopps LM-W b56-0

Day Three.  

A new direction and a new set of cherry picked systems.  Although at the present moment it seems that the cherry picking is happening less and less and instead seems to be more about a honky and moving onto the new system, but I'm not sure what some of these pilots were heading toward as this seems to be in the opposite direction of the Formadine Rift and the discovered Generation Ships.  Eh, no matter as there's surveying to be done and planets to investigate.  

It's rather interesting in this direction as there doesn't seem to be many systems with asteroid belts and an inordinate amount of binary stars with planets and airless rocks circling them.  Coming into the Outtops Sector, it seems more...  orderly about the systems and less like the Great Maker has decided on playing a bad case of snooker with the planetary alignments.  Heh, although I spoke too soon as the system I'm coming up on seems to have at least 1 rogue planet in the outermost orbit.  

As it stands today I'll be finishing up on the first leg of this survey mission.  Which direction I'll go going now, remains to be seen.

I'm still not entirely sure why there had been so much cherry picking going on within the Outopps Sector, but apparently while it's not entirely played out, it seems that the cherry pickers didn't find the sort of earth-likes and terraformables they were hoping for.  Pity that given a lot of the plants in this sector of space seem more High Metals instead.  Oh well.  

Finally I'm not sure whether I want to be staying out for another couple of survey legs or whether I should be heading back after this one.  Seems that I've been pushing the Eiriksson a bit harder than I did during my experimentations last survey leg and would want to see what sort of wear & tear I've created.  We'll see how that goes.  More on that in the next entry or so.  And with that, I'll be signing off for the day.
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