Logbook entry

Entry 41 - 07.01.3303

01 Jul 2017MBaldelli
Current System:  Stock 2 Sector FW-N b6-0

I know I've been quiet in my personal logs for far longer than I should be.  The truth is that I haven't had much to say to anything and anyone since my birthday has come and gone.  While I've been communicating when necessary with the Pilot's Guild when required of me, that's about the only contact I have had (and preferred) for the last few weeks.  I have been coming out of that shell a little bit and wanting to write a little bit about the day-to-day activities of a Deep Space Explorer.  

The fact is that heading spinward and below the usual horizon for most tourists and the assortment of space pilots heading hither and yon; I continue to run into either completely missed or cherry picked systems for the easy (and big) money-makers. At the beginning of this journey I was seriously annoyed with the cherry picking; but now I could care less.  I make my money when and where I can and since the Pilot Guild's alleviation to better payouts.  

I've been seeing the news from other pilots of finding Thargoid bases on some of the uninhabitable worlds.  The various goverrments all believe there is going to be a serious ramping up of encounters of them in the near future.  It sort of makes me glad to be out there well away from civilization and enjoying the fact I'm a needle in the haystack.  Having had experience in Conflict Zones I realize I'm not the fighter I thought I was going to be and instead prefer the company of either cargo or the stars and planets well away from other people.  One of these days, if I want to complete my Pilot's Card I'm going to buck up and get myself into a fighter...  But until then, I'm happy where I currently am.  

And with that, I'm going back to the cockpit.  Time to continue this long-term stress test of the new materials.  Let's see if I can go further than 1 to 2 weeks out there in the Deep Black.
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