Logbook entry

Entry 42 - 07.02.3303

02 Jul 2017MBaldelli
Current System:  

I see the Extranet is beginning to show pilots showing off their warpaint, so it's safe to assume the tourists are getting ready for the imminent conflict between Homo Sapiens and the Thargoid threats.  Amusing in that sort of way that they think this is going to be some sort of outing against an unknown and potentially lethal adversary.  Those of us that remember the conflicts against each other know that the horrors of conflict and war aren't something to be taken lightly.   Those gung-ho yahoos will learn otherwise when they're waking up screaming from their night terrors and various other psychological traumas of the encounters they are involved with.  But that's the way of humanity, I suppose.  

I'm currently in supercruise towards the second star of Stock 2 FG-Y D12 which had been ignored because of the distance from the entry point (more than 386K LS), I've noticed that something's changed about the scanner range for even KGB-FOAM stars.  Instead of seeing the successful scans on starts more than 10 - 30K LS, it's been reduced down to under 10K LS for a completed scan.  I'm not sure whether this is a new feature or a bug, but given that I got used to being able to get the star scan in long before having to do a system survey, it's just one of those sort of things that I need to get used to for the time being.  I'll continue monitoring to see whether the next time updates hit through the Extranet,

I'm also taking advantage of downloading the system dumps for Captain's Log.  According to the mission information, the last time I performed a download was 05.16.  Based on the progress bar, it looks as though 1.5 million new systems have been added to the database.  I didn't realize I was that out of date with the amount of new systems and questionable systems for that database. This should take a bit before all that info will be completely incorporated into the current data set.  

And with that, time to enjoy the view of the stars.
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