Logbook entry

Entry 44 - 07.06.3303

06 Jul 2017MBaldelli
Current System:  Synuefai SU-R b10-1

News has reached me here in the Deep Black that pilots have banded together and started a protest (of sorts) against the Federation and more importantly Sirius Corporation called -- of all things -- Operation: Sirius Business.  The reason for this protest is clear enough:  the difficulties of obtaining permits to the Sirius Star System, the sudden need for commodities once you have received your invitation by Marco Qwent and the progression to getting an invitation from Professor Palin.  

How this is going to affect me is that my home-away-from-home -- Newholm Station in Sothis -- is currently under a blockade by many of the independent clans and guilds that are protesting outrageousness of permits and commodities for both Qwent and Palin's Engineering services until such time as Sirius Corporation lifts the requirements for the supposed threat from Alien Incursions.  Right down to issuing KOS commands for all pilots regardless of Explorers or not.  

Normally I don't get involved in pilot politics against the super powers.  Until such time as I decide to jump into the fray of power plays between the superpowers, I continue to enjoy my personal perspective of neutral and Deep Space Exploring.  But given I had turned away from Qwent because of the need for more commodities (and work to obtain them) then I was willing to pa and the fact that the Privateers Alliance is deciding to get involved with the blockade; I find myself in agreement with this protest and embargo.  

As it stands it's been decided for me until such time as Sirius suffers from this blockade and surrenders its requirements to Qwent and Palin, other powers (like the Federation) step in to being mediators to this disagreement/protest or some unforeseen circumstances occur, I will be maintaining an extended surveying mission in these sectors until such time as I need to return to another Federation base for resupply.  Who knows?  Maybe I'll take advantage of visiting Sol for gaining reputation in the Home System of Human Civilization.  

All right, I'm reaching the end of this leg.  So far 210 stars and planets/planetoids have been scanned since leaving Sothis.  Time to add to those numbers.
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