Logbook entry

Entry 48 - 07.16.3303

16 Jul 2017MBaldelli
Current System: LP 816-60, Garratt Landing

My day started out fairly well. Traveled back to Abraham Lincoln Station and checked out the passenger list there. There seemed to have been some really demanding passengers that for 1/2 the day I said, "Nope, no way!" And instead kept to hauling cargo. There were a couple of really lucrative source and return missions for Palladium that I definitely took advantage of. According to my ledger I made close to a million credits by noon time.

Then I thought about trying out passenger missions as they can be rather lucrative and allow me the ability to do traveling and scanning which is always easy money for me and saw in the queue one particular passenger that said, "take me to..." Low requirements, not a criminal and was a healthy distance from Sol. So, I contacted requisitions and found that there were no cabin modules to be bought there.

Checking the Extranet I found that the Business-Class Cabins could be obtained from a nearby neighboring stations -- M. Gorbachev -- and with a quick jump in and out of supercruise; headed there for the compartment. Picking it up and seeing how much prettier and pristine Gorbachev was, I decided to move all my modules there and went through the passenger manifests there to see what sort of money they had for their ferrying.

I found on. Paid well, low demands, didn't seem to have the sort of triggers that would have made me say, "nope, find someone else" and ended up taking her onboard. After preflight checks and contacting CnC for permission to leave, half way to the mailslot I see in the HUD that I was carrying an illegal passenger; meaning the cow was clearly a criminal.

Not remembering seeing criminal in her dossier and being committed to carrying her to her destination, I attempted silent running and gunned it to get out of the stations perimeter for a quick FSD out of the area.

The rest of the story is nothing but failure. Silent Running didn't work. I was scanned. Federal Forces were dispatched. I was disabled and crippled and hauled back to the base for the passenger to be extradited. And my fines payments took more than the money that I made and a little bit more from my account than I wanted to pay.

I remember hearing her screaming back at me as she was clapped in irons and hauled off to the brig, "Don't think I'll recommend you to my associates..."

Not that I cared given I don't remember agreeing to carrying criminals and there's no doubt in my mind her associates are also criminals. No thanks.

With that debacle behind me, and unsure whether I have a standing warrant against me, I was undeterred to stop the attempt found another individual looking for passage. Found another and headed off to Garrett Station to drop him off for payment.

When I got to LP 816-60 my quiet little passenger suddenly turns into a demanding little vixen asking to investigate the local nav beacon because of the potential for alien incursions in the area. Easy enough, I stopped by the nav beacon, did a quick scan of it for a complete look at the system and after 10 minutes of sitting there with my passenger not saying a thing decided to drop him off and be done with the side route.

He wasn't too displeased about it, was still happy and seemed to have paid me more than he promised after leaving Gorbachev.

I'll give another go with passenger missions tomorrow as the current queue at Garrett Station was more than a little off-putting.

Overall I'm 155K credits lower than I was yesterday, I'm not happy about my first passenger debacle, but next time I'll be sure read all the requirements twice over before making that mistake twice.
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