Logbook entry

Entry 49 - 07.17.3303

17 Jul 2017MBaldelli
Current System: Sol, Gorbachev Station

I made up for the losses I had suffered yesterday and while I didn't aim for the million credits I should have, at least I'm back to something I had before that passenger debacle yesterday. Surprisingly was even able to do a couple of quick passenger mission runs today, which in spite of being marked as demanding in their dossiers were quiet from and to their destination. Good thing too, as I wasn't quite sure I'd be put up with strange and/or outrageous demands from either of them. I was thinking about taking one or two more passengers for mid to long range missions, but unfortunately they were either criminals or worse, demanding... And demanding over distances can be a pain when it comes to their rock star-like requirements.

Although I did note something interesting during one of the passenger missions. Instead of coming in from Hyperspace on the A star of the binary, I came in on the B star instead. Strange that given I usually end up almost always coming into a Binary (or greater) system on the A star. Makes me wonder, was it because of the passenger, or something about plotting within the navigation computer. Because if that's the case, Proxima Centauri can definitely be corrected on this (as mentioned in the last entry).

Looking at my calendar, I might do one or two more days of missions. Mostly cargo runs this time around. Then it's back to the deep black to continue surveying.
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