Logbook entry

Entry 58 - 07.31.3303

31 Jul 2017MBaldelli
Current System: Sothis

Between the curiosity of how much money I might have made by doing this double-dipping, coupled with both my number crunching for the ASPX and the credits I've obtained so far, I've decided to head back to Sol and do the buying that I was planning for 12 days from now.  Yeah, this sort of impulsiveness run rampant through my family and I've yet to learn how to overcome it when the mood strikes me.  It's not all for the greediest of intentions that I'm deciding to make this purchase however.  That pilot I had spoken about a couple of months ago (you know, the one that had the accident of running out of fuel and having to self-destruct within the bubble) is really hesitant about getting back into the pilot's chair and while I would love to give him the handhold on the Leif Eiriksson, it simply lacks the space for another pilot.  With an ASPX however...  

Hopefully, with him multi-crewing with me I'll be able to show him the basics that I know and that will help him getting over his fears of what it can be like in the Deep (and not so deep) Black.  

I'm also going to be taking a quick diversion to Sothis to see how things are in my home system since Operation: Sirius Business.  While I know from the various extranet sources that it was a success, I'm curious to see whether any additional damage was done through the actions.  UA Bombing, Looting and Piracy, and other in-system damages.  That and honestly, I miss seeing that station and the star shine from Sothis.  While it's not quite the same as the homeworld, it where I called home for so many months.  And honestly there was a sort of simplicity to all the missions that could be done there; not like being in the Bubble where you can end up doing a million different jobs in a thousand systems all within one to five jumps from where you started.  That and there were way too many minor factions to work reputations through.  

This isn't going to be a fast trip back.  Looking at 30 jumps to Sothis and then another 30 - 40 back to Sol; I'm still stopping and surveying -- be it double dipping or pissing my name into the planets missed by the cherry pickers -- I should be back in about three or four days.  After that, it's a trip to Farseer Station to tweak out the FSD for farther jump distances.  After all, I'll be losing at least 4 LY a jump in an ASPX versus what I currently get with the Leif Eiriksson.  

And with that...  Time to make the push back to the Bubble.

Update: Like a horse seeing the door to the stable, I rushed to Newholm Station, missing out on several choice systems for surveying on my way to the barn. What's the first thing i see warping into Sothis? That it's in an expansion state. Surprised, I come out of Witchspace in Sothis, activate Silent Running and then beeline to Newholm Station attempting to avoid any Commander Patrols and possible Blockades that should be happening.

...except there's nothing other than the traffic expected to and from the station. Landing in the station, the Mission Board is active and is indicative there is no Lock-down in effect. So, I turned in my survey data -- to the tune of almost 21 million -- repaired, refueled and put the ship into the hangar to enjoy some downtime at the local cantina.

Tomorrow I'm back to Sol (no doubt having to silent run my butt out of the station) and working on the purchase of the ASPX.
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