Logbook entry

Entry 61 - 08.03.3303

03 Aug 2017MBaldelli
Current System:  Duamta, Wang City

The strange thing I'm seeing is that on the galactic map, Davis Station in the Duamta System has the icon for stowing a ship at that location.  However getting into M. Gorbachev Station in Sol, the Leif Eiriksson is actually there.  I guess the Nav-Computer might actually be behind in its updating, in spite of the fact that all equipment is properly stowed in the appropriate locations.  

As it currently stands, I'll be staying within the Bubble until the end of the week and then after that, I'll be plotting a course to Synuefai OC-K A8-1 to continue my Deep Space Surveying into that sector.  Although given what I've been doing while within the Bubble, I've been contemplating during the next cycle I'm back, I might be doing a bit of Taxiing to get used to some of the outrageous and rock-star like requirements some passengers make of the captains hauling the carcasses to and fro.  Though this might be split a little with Asteroid Mining as I'm seeing some very lucrative payouts for refined mining.  Almost as good as some of the Taxiing jobs I've scanned the last cycle I was back here.  

Oh lord, I'm in one of my moods today...  As I'm coming into Jendrassik Station in Ross 302 and saw on my comm-port a message from a Wedding Barge stating Help us celebrate our happy day.  All I could see in my mind's eye was strafing that wedding barge, raining down chaos and mayhem on the bridge, groom and family trying to get married near a refining station.  

No, it's not space madness...  It's just the routine of easy missions and my want to distract myself during those missions.

Nothing much else to talk about this mission.  When I get back to M. Gorbachev with these Consumer Technology products, I think I'll shuttle down to Earth to enjoy some real gravity instead of staying berthed on-station.

Then again, maybe not. I got a last minute re-route to Wang City, Duamta for a modest bonus for delivering the Consumer Technology products in a timely manner. I guess I'll be staying in the hostel there instead.
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︎1 Shiny!
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