Logbook entry

Entry 63 - 08.05.3303 (and Promotion)

05 Aug 2017MBaldelli
Current System: Duamta, Davis Terminal

Coming back to the station after staying planet side for the evening, I began my quest for finding a Navy Contract job to work on my promotion to Warrant Officer. I wasn't as lucky as I had hoped given that all three stations around Earth -- M. Gorbachev, Abraham Lincoln and Li Qing Jao -- all have covert missions to known Federation Space that paid well, but required a bit of Silent Running in order to complete. Under normal circumstances, I might have considered it, but given I'm more than a little shy of the thought of being blown out of the sky like I did during that criminal tourist mission a couple of weeks ago... I thought it best to try to find a more cushy Party Boat run instead.

In the mean time, I had also decided to run a few cargo haulage missions over the 100K credits mark in order to make a little money in the process as well as increase my trading reputation in the process. While it was going all right, I was approached by a Non-Comm who's ship was berthed at Davis Station with a requisition for three industrial strength washers for the laundry services on board the Corvette he was serving on. Looking like the sort of job I would've preferred in the morning, I accepted and continued on my way to dropping off haulage through the area mostly for the faction A Different Kind.

I had a bit of a problem going to the smaller outposts during these missions as getting berthed were near constantly being denied. The kicker about that was at the smaller stations I was within 3 KM of being able to see the large landing pads and there was no traffic to or from the pads which tells me there might be some sort of problem with traffic control at these stations. Hopefully these problems will clear up some time in the near future as I can see this a problem during conflicts and various high-profile deployments...

I was able to get to Wolf 359 to pick up the Washers and upon delivery -- as you can see -- got my promotion!

I think today's going to be a light day. I need to get up early tomorrow to retrofit and equip the Zheng He for a go at asteroid mining. I'm looking forward to making the attempt and trying my hand at it.
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︎0 Shiny!
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