Logbook entry

Entry 66 - 08.11.3303

11 Aug 2017MBaldelli
Current System: Wredguia TX-L b21-2

One of the thoughts I was having last night when I began my downtime was what I would be doing after I had earned my Elite status as a Deep Space Explorer.  While a fighter pilot and bounty hunter seems to be the role I am better suited in both my mood and personality; I'm not entirely sure I'll be looking forward to hanging in space for recovery as the ship I was flying blows up around me.  I often find myself growing attached to my ship mainly because I spend so much time on them.  Something about the thought of having to both get used to the new noises, jitters and any other noises a ship makes in and out of witchspace, can sometimes be quite unnerving.  Hell, look at how paranoid I've been about the engine modifications on the Zheng He.  

Trader and Taxiing?  Of all that's holy, while I have appreciated the payouts, this tends to put me in the position of interacting with more people that I prefer to be in close proximity.  

Sure I might be able to make the monies necessary for asteroid mining, I know based on the local talk when I'm berthed at a station it is by no means the amount of money I'm used to getting as a Deep Space Explorer. Let alone as a Federation Data Courier.

But, these are the things I'll be looking forward to if I'm going to want to Elite my Pilot's Registration, no?  

As my grandmother used to tell me when I was growing up, "...sometimes you're going to need to go outside of your comfort zone in order to do what's necessary and required of you..."  

I often miss her at times like this.  While I'm sure she had imparted as much of her wisdom and experience on me in the time I've lived with her; I believe there was always something more to be learned.  

Without getting too maudlin today, I'm off to survey and see if I can't find a moon that has the required rare-earth materials I will need to fill my account hold for future interactions with engineers I want to employ for their services.
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︎1 Shiny!
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