Logbook entry

Entry 71 - 08.18.3303

16 Aug 2017MBaldelli
Current System: HIP 25563

Yesterday was one of my quiet sort of mornings where I really didn't have all that much to say or report when it came to the sites I had been seeing during the surverying.  This morning I seem to be more like myself and while there's things to talk about, I'm finding myself more contemplative of the torrid soap-opera like dream I had involving mythicaal creatures, corpulent women, a dystopian world, a magical ring of some sort and last but not least a tragic hero with a lost love.  

Fortuntely for me the hero was not me.  

At the time of this entry, I think I'm finally going below the galactic plane where all tourists, cherry pickers and the sort of Commanders that don't have the patience for doing a proper survey mission usually go.  

According to the calendar, I have less than a week on this survey leg before I head back to the bubble, and I plan on making the most of the time I'm going to be out here.  

Looking through ExtraNet, ammonia worlds are considered rare finds in the galaxy -- rarer to find Earth-likes -- and according to this mission; I found two of them in systems right next to each other.  While they might not have my name emblazoned on them as I double-dipped both star systems, they are both interesting finds.

According to the ExtraNet information I read on them, it is theorized these would be the likely planets where we would find Thargoid settlements or perhaps even their civilization.  

I would have loved to have served in some capacity on the crew of some ship or team of envoys to establishing a peaceful rapport with them; given the checkered past between their civilization and ours.   Couple with what I've been seeing in the recent past with various commanders suffering from a bad case of Redneck Syndrome harrassing Thargoid ships, bases and settlements -- it's only fueling their innate hatred of us.  So there will be no peace with them any time in the near future.  The only thing I can see happening would be the Thargoids disappearing from the Milky Way for some unspecified time before they re-emerge.  

Enough on these musings.  These systems I'm currently cutting through and surveying seem to be HMC rich, which should be yielding me a higher than normal cash in when I get back to Crook Station...  

Yeah, you heard right.  Crook Port in Tchehen.  I had temporarily moved bases to an independent station with smaller factions in control because I wanted to clear out of the Federation controlled areas for the time being.  Thanks largely to Operation: Sirius Business, coupled with the sneering responses I often get from Fed Security in the systems; in spite of the fact that I am (now) a Warrant Officer and allied to all the local factions.  In the olden days, that sort of attitude towards both allies and Non-Comms wouldn't have been tolerated.  How a thousand years have changed that attitude towards superior officers that aren't actually serving actively.  

All right, I'm ranting.  Time for me to get back into the game and finish this system survey before I call it a day.
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