Logbook entry

Entry 75 - 08.25.3303

25 Aug 2017MBaldelli
Current System: Tchehen, Crook Port

I tried out my fighting skills on the Low-Intensity Conflict zone in the FK5 2550 System and for the first day it was sort of all right.  I was getting used to the feeling of being scooped out of the combat zone by a rescue frigate and returned to the nearby station to rebuy the Praetorian from their reserves shipyard.  I didn't like the feeling of being weightless and in the black like that, but it's something all space pilots have to go through as they get more experienced  in the cockpit.  But this morning, as I was doing my pre-flight launch from Vela Station, I saw that I was 2% away from a promotional rank up in fighting, and coupled with returning to the Low Intensity Conflict Zone and saw all the ships in the opposing forces as Federal Gunships, my taste for working on that promotion turned bitter in my mouth and back to cargo hauling I went.  

It would have been nice to have gotten my promotion to Mostly Harmless (and I might still given I'm in the Zeta Leporis System and they have several Low-Intensity Conflict Zones here); but for the moment, I've had my fill.  Although I have to say, when I saw all those Federal Ships in the Conflict Zone it made me wish to be flying a Vulture instead of an Eagle.  

So, for today as I get the bitter taste of frustration out of my mouth, I'm simply doing the meandering missions to earn myself a million or so before I either head to Sol to see whether I can continue to work on my Federal Reputation or head back to Tchehen to find a couple of lawless sites to continue working on my skills as a fighter.  I might need to flip a coin after this pick up and return for....  Nevermind then!  I didn't pick up the job at O'Connor Enterprise and headed to Voss Dock for the giggles apparently.  I hate when I do that sort of thing, but at least I'm having my coffee and that'll help me a little bit with this attention span problem.   I'll see if there's anything here before I head in a different direction.  

And with that, off to being a freighter hauler for the day.  What I do tomorrow, I'm not entirely sure of.
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