Logbook entry

Entry 76 - 08.26.3303

26 Aug 2017MBaldelli
Current System:  HIP 40518

It's a quiet morning at Crook Port as I crawled into the cockpit of the Zheng He and performed the pre-flight checks after taking a hauling job a few jumps from home part along with a pick-up and return with Micro Controllers for a militia sub-contractor.  

En Route to Kao Ziyi, it dawned on me that I didn't get the confirmation of the Praetorian's transport back to Home Port and something I'm going to need to investigate upon my return.  Once I can confirm it's return I'm going to be swapping out the Multi-Cannons for Beam Weapons of some sort.  While they were interesting, I noticed that they couldn't take down heavier shields when aiming at targets:  something that is definitely necessary when fighting larger ships.  

Turns out the memo was buried in the typical spam I get when I'm in station.  It was delivered later on in the evening.  The Praetorian is currently sitting in dock at Crook Port.

Today is my last day in the Bubble.  I was making plans to be heading back to the Outopps Sector, but thinking about it this morning while I was having breakfast, perhaps I should strike out in a new direction.  Looking at the galaxy map, I'm going to be heading Anti-Spinward...  Into Col 173 and Plio Eurl Sectors instead for a "change of pace".  I want to get a feel what it's like for planetary systems in that direction; plus it would be nice to see other sites than the typical nebulae I've been seeing south of Ceos/Sothis for a change.
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︎2 Shiny!
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