Logbook entry

Entry 80 - 09.04.3303

04 Sep 2017MBaldelli
Current System: Col 173 Sector AN-X b32-2

It would appear that at about 1,000 LY spinward from Techehen, I'm beginning to hit the unexplored areas of the Milky Way.  While true, most of the M classed stars seem to have nothing more than rocky-iced and icy planets, I have been lucky enough to continue to find the HMGs pocketed into them.  

Now watch, just as  I put this to writing, the very next string of stars will end up being either completely scanned or cherry picked.  Even if I'm more than confident I have gotten past the Twin Eaters has cleared me of that tourist site, there's still a few commander names that I'm seeing from the systems databases that I recognize and know through experience -- and sometimes even reputation -- are Deep Space Explorers like myself.

There seems to be a rather annoying pattern to what I'm currently seeing from the navigation computer as I've plotted star-to-star to the last destination on this leg: Pro Eurl PS-V B2-4 and that is a standard star system with plants along the orbit planes followed closely with single to multiple stars with positively no planets or asteroid fields.   It feels like the great maker seeded this part of the galaxy with planet forming stars and then when they ran out of those seeds, grabbed from the lifeless bag and seeded the rest of the area.  While calming and not having to worry too much about the constant need for flight adjustments for a butt-load of planets in a star system, at least with the star-only systems I can get caught up researching whether I will be trading in the Praetorian for either the Viper or the Vulture.  

While the acquaintance of mine (the same one that convinced me to come to Tchehen for the duration of Operation; Sirius Business) gave me great selling points on the Viper MK IV; the years as a combat sim pilot when I was growing up makes me think I might have a better chance with the Vulture.  Still though, it's not about my confidence behind the stick, but instead how much credits I have in the bank when it comes to rebuys and like it or not the Viper is more economical on the rebuys.  After all, I'm not stopping on the AspX at this point.  It's going to be something at the top like a Federal Corvette or an Anaconda after all.  Whether I will work for the Empire at any time in the near future remains on the back burner (thanks largely to my very staunch perspective on slavery), I've talked with several Imperial Barons (while I was cargo hauling to neutral bases) that discuess being able to work in the Empire without dealing with any sort of slave trading.  

So for the second part of my day, while I wasn't successful in my search and acquisition of Technetium, I did stumble across another crash site where instead of gun runners, there were two occupied pods for drug runners. Oh are they going to be in for a surprise when I drop them off at the local authorities on Tchehen.  Well, it's either they wake up in a cell, or they wake up right armed forces all around their cracked open life pods.  Either or, they're going to be spending time in jail given I was also able to collect the datalogs to confirm they weren't running any mercy missions in the Col 173 Sector.

Time to pay attention to the surveying I'm currently doing.  Some of these systems are beginning to get complex with the stars and planetary positions and while I might not have issues with asteroids and possible collisions -- plotting to each of the planets takes more observation than point, aim and writing this log entry.
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