Logbook entry

Entry 83 - 09.10.3303

10 Sep 2017MBaldelli
Current System: Col 173 Sector YH-W c17-19

The next morning after staying up way too late chatting with that old friend from home about this, that and everything else under the stars, I'm having my morning coffee, working on less than stellar sleep and surveying more stars along this longer let of the course I've plotted into the Pro Eurl Sector.  At the moment there's a trinary set of stars in a quadrinary system more than 350 LS from the entry point that I'm happily zipping toward.  

Heh, two entries ago I said that it seemed to have been a weird course of stars only systems followed up closely with systems with planets.  Well, that pattern was happily broken up.  Now it seems to be every two or three systems where it's planetless followed by the remainder usually having more planets (and asteroid belts) than our beloved home system: Sol.  

The current course is still wonderfully routine.  

I have done a quick check through the star map and can tell you that it's still wonderfully low-frequency stars:  mostly K & M.  There are higher frequency stars (G & F), but they seem to be along the segements ending along the far ends of some of the stellar branches and well away from the current "tree" I'm on.  I think what I'm going to do next (or the next few) jump, is divert a little from the current course to see if I can't capture a few F & G class stars and see if that's where the cherry picking happened.  But at the present time, however..  

It's just to enjoy my morning coffee before I try any sort of navigational cortortions to try to capture the ever elusive ELW and more Terraformables, thank you very much.  I liked my the contents of my breakfast this morning to remain in my stomach, thank you very much.

Well the good news is that it was really easy to switch filters to the higher frequency and still on course to the end of this leg of the journey.  And it seems that no sooner than I did, what did I hit for the first landmark in the sixth and eighth positions in the system?  A Terraformable and a gas giant with water based life.  

One of the niggling things I've been seeing since changing the current plot to higher frequency stars is the more than a handful of Brown Dwarf stars masquerading as ringed gas giants.  While at first I find it an amusing novelty, somewhere in all this is that I'm feeling the odds of this occurring seems to be higher than it should be...  not so much the brown dwarf as a gas giant; the fact that they have complete rings without shepherd moons.  I guess it's just one of those mysteries that's going to leave me wondering about the maker and his plans.  If worse comes to worst, I can always remember the message located on top of the Quentulus Quazgar Mountains in the land of Sevorbeupstry on planet Preliumtarn, third out from the sun Zarss in Galactic Sector QQ7 Active-J Gamma.  

I  think I'll be staying with this course at the moment, given it's 81 jumps to the end of this leg (instead of the 140 plus) and more than my fair share of stars and planets to piss plant my name onto.  

I came across the remains of another destroyed deep space explorer over by the ninth planet of Col 173 Sector XC-W c17-13.  While there wasn't any occupied life pods from the ship as I think the pilot had long since perished, there was a data cache floating around for easy pick up...   The only problem?  Picking it up means that it's marked as stolen.  

I think the next time I get back into the bubble, it's well passed time to talk to the Pilot's Guild about the concept of Usucapio Laws.  Especially when you consider I'm currently 1,300 LY from Sol, plus how rare it is for Federation, Imperial or Alliance Patrols are for getting this far out to recover property.  

Another thing I noticed is that there seems to be an inordinate amount of traffic heading for both the Witch's Head Nebula and Barnard's Loop.  Seeing all the photos and reading quite a few journals talking about obtaining the permit to going there makes me damned glad I was tired of the sightseeing I was doing from my cockpit while I was surveying the sector.  At least the folk heading in that direction are going to be seeing quite a few planets in those directions with my name on them instead of it being the other way around.  

Now, before I go off on another rant, I think it's time to finish up this surveying for the day.  Then it'll be time to wind down and looking into finishing the novel I've been reading in passing the last couple of months.
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︎3 Shiny!
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