Logbook entry

Entry 87 - 09.16.3303 - T-Minus 2

16 Sep 2017MBaldelli
Current System:  Wregoe ZJ-I d9-75

As I take the scenic route home what's the first two things I noticed during my trip?  The first is that the paint job on the Zheng He is seriously worn.  And I only noticed it yesterday as I was logging out and heading to my cabin.   I'll try to get a picture of it before I call it a day..  As you can see here:

The second is that Col 173 Sector GJ-U c18-21 is nothing but HMC from end to end.  Quite a lot of the rare-earth/rare-materials can be surface mined from the planets there:  Ruthenium, Tellerium, Polonium, Antimony and Ytterium.  While the gravities on the planets might be a little light, it's not as though you're going to be bounced off the planet or to your death in some deep ravine.  

While I might have needed a little more Polonium, I'm doing rather well at the moment for all the materials I've collected during the journey.  And according to the Briere Luck that I've been inflicted with -- this is exactly the sort of thing that should be happening to me.  Especially with me homeward bound.  

It also seems that I came across another Ammonia World, discovered first by someone else -- Commander Orava Da.  And then another, which will carry my name on it two systems after that.  There seems to be a disturbing trend going on with them outside the bubble of known space and the naturally overcautious pilot that I am is seriously beginning to wonder just how many of these AWs are actually Thargoid colonies.  While I've been fortunate in that I've never once seen any alien ships duiring my surveying missions -- knowing how my luck can operate, I am constantly vigilant as it's only a matter of time before some massive alien flower of a ship decides to honk me out of witch space to scan me.

I'm beginning to see star systems scanned by other pilots now as I head toward Sothis...  Looks like 1650 LY out is where the line's been drawn.  So I'll double duty it and get back to the barn as quickly as I can.  Next entry I write will be when I hit civilization...
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︎1 Shiny!
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