Logbook entry

Entry 89 - 09.19.3303

19 Sep 2017MBaldelli
Current System:  Sirius

While I was feeling like old home week being in the Ceos/Sothis area.  I was greeted with pats on the back and "Where the hell have you been?" from the dock workers and regulars (and denizens) of the local cantinas.  

I like the dock rats that work at Newholm Station; they have never made much of a fuss whenever I returned from the Deep Black and my ship was scarred and pitted from wear and tear.  They usually listened to the stories I told them without reservation as to all the systems and worlds I've visited so far from the area.  I think it's because they found out I used to be blue-collar poor growing up on my home-world before I became a pilot in the Guild. Either that or they were just not used to Pilots mingling with them at the local bar.

I got a scowl from the Duty Officer at the Pilot's Guild Office and a perfunctory salute as he handed me my Pioneer patches and wings.  I'm pretty sure it was because I hauled ass from the area when Operation: Sirius Business decided to hit the area. Either that or because all my ships and equipment were quietly moved to Gorbachev Station, Sol (that was before I moved to Crook Port, Tchehen).  

Not that I personally cared for the attitude I was getting from him. I had too many bones to pick with the Guild and he was nothing more than a puppet whenever I visited his office with my grievances.  

I hear from some of the other pilots and guild administration in the cantina during their off-time that he's being transferred to some even more remote station.  I'll be sure to get him a card when it's been made official.  I won't make too much hoopla about it; I don't want to give him the illusion he'll be missed.

I didn't realize that Ceos/Sothis would be a perfect place to collecting Modular Terminals for that pain in the ass in Sirius;  Qwent.  In two days since I've been back in the Bubble, I've more than happily collected 24 of them and am currently heading to his base in order to hand in the next 12...  Why he's asking for 25 seems to be nothing more than an act of being petty and arrogant to prove my worth for his services.  

I've seen some other pilot's wanting to punch his lights out for this pettiness, and believe me I definitely won't steal their thunder if they accomplish this.  He definitely deserves the ire he's generating.   I took a look at both the blueprints for the Power Plant & Power Distributor and I'm not sure what I'll be applying to the Zheng He.  I'll look into it more after I acquire the last Modular Terminal.  

I'm also about 7 million credits shy of acquiring a Viper. While I have enough for the ship and some of the components, I'm going to hold off until I get enough for all of them as well as 1 - 2 rebuys in the process. After all, I don't want to go under 100 million now that I'm back to it.

More to come as I try not to scowl too much talking to Qwent's admin as I hand in my Modular Terminals collected.
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