Logbook entry

Entry 90 - 09.20.3303

20 Sep 2017MBaldelli
Current System:  Newholm Station, Sothis

I handed in my next 12 Modular Terminals to Marco Qwent without so much as an incident (or a thank you from his office).  I began running various cargo haulages around the area in order to continue to work on my Trade reputation.  One of those haulage missions even gave me the final part of the requirements and ended up doing that mission, flying immediately back to Qwent's base and having none other that Qwent greet me at the landing bay offering to start work on the Zheng He immediately.  

While he couldn't do much better than Farseer did with my Power Plant weeks ago (at the present time), he did make an effort nonetheless.  The Power Distributor however was improved in all three system types, although from what I'm seeing they will be taking longer to recharge.  Not that the Zheng He will ever be seeing battle on a regular basis.  It might be armed accordingly, but that is for last-ditch circumstances and not front-line sort of scenarios.

I'll definitely be looking into those skills of his when I start investing in the fighter over the weekend though.

Two missions later, I got notified in Kokary that I got my promotion to Broker.  I headed down to the local Guild Office to pick up that pin and commendation, got the usual perfunctory salute and off to the local bar for a quick shot before calling it a night.  

When I got to my room on the station, I spent some time chatting with a good acquaintance about some of the adventure/misadventures he was having some light years from my current location.  Turns out he was dealing with some spiteful commander ganking pilots without a second thought.  In fact, through that misadventure along he had depleted his rebuy options for his liner.  Apparently the local patrols still haven't caught him although he did put out word to the pilots active in the area to keep an eye out for the individual...  

Fortunately for me I was a couple of hundred light years away from that case of space madness, so I didn't have much to worry about.  Still, these sort of occasional trends cause me more than a little concern when I come back to the Bubble.
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