Logbook entry

Entry 91 - 09.21.3303

21 Sep 2017MBaldelli
Current System:  Newholm Station, Sothis

After finishing up a couple of hauling jobs within the Bubble, I headed back to Ceos/Sothis for some light duty before calling it a day earlier than expected.  I wasn't up to a whole lot of heavy hauling or mindless courier grind work.  Instead, I chose to have a light supper in the promenade area of one of the many malls in the main area and just listen to the idle chat of locals and tourists, temporarily stopping at the station before moving on.  

There is definitely tension in the air.  The news of the destroyed Federation Farragut Cruiser on the lips of many of the tourists.  There's also worry and the typical panic that there's more death, destruction and maybe mayhem on the horizon from unknown Thargoid or alien or even mentions of other factional forces taking opportunity to destroy the Federation before it can be prepared.  

Typical Chicken Little talk is what that is.  Nothing more... Nothing less...

The fact is that this area is far away from the Pleiades Sector and the threat of Thargoids is a lot lower than some of the noise I was hearing in Sol, Sirius and other points of interest closer to the heart of the Federation.  In fact, the highest volume of noise is coming from the tourists that will be heading home by the weekend as they're feeling that they're jumping into the fire from the fry pan.  

Most of the locals continue to go about their business and do their jobs occasionally crane their neck like a herd of gazelle thinking there's a predator just out of range of them. I believe this panicky attitude is being produced by the tourists leaving the area.  We'll see if it continues when the travel bans for the cruise ships takes effect.  Or when people realize the Thargoids aren't as much of a threat as they had been imagining.  Whichever comes first.

Taking an internal temperature between listening to these panicking tourists, the news on the Federation Farragut Classed capital ship that was destroyed and more barnacles along with the Thargoid bases that were discovered, I'm finding myself compartmentalizing these news and simply continuing to do my duties and businesses for the Empire and Factions I might come across.  After all, once I'm through with ensuring the updates won't be stranding me out in the middle of nowhere -- that's exactly where I'll be going once that happens.  

I'm actually looking forward to purchasing the Viper this weekend and then heading over to Farseer to do a bit of work on it before heading back to Qwent for optimizing the capacitors and power supply.  How this turns out remains to be seen, but I will be performing a shake-down cruise in the process to see how it handles.  

I still haven't determined whether I want to stick to my habit of naming the ship after some famous (or obscure) warrior, or if I'm going to be creative about it.  I've been entertaining the thought of either calling it either the Miyamoto Musashi or Go Rin no Sho (the book on strategy that Miyamoto wrote).

In any event, this is definitely going to be a fun filled weekend.
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