Logbook entry

Entry 94 - 09.26.3303

26 Sep 2017MBaldelli
Current System: Lunan Terminal, Achansa

I remember that I was on leave when the last major update at occurred, because when I got back to my ship -- the Leif Eiriksson -- the HUD and dashboard had been rebooted back to the default settings. This time, however I'm currently sitting here at Lunan Terminal with the other pilots, having a coffee and looking toward the docking bay as our ships sit silently and powered down as this update is going through to all the ships.

I feel for those pilots as they're out in the black with their ships powered down to everything but life support. Life Support always running with a triple redundant power source and never plugged into the main AI during this times. Everything else though.. Nope. So unless they brought their own music players and reading materials, all they'll be hearing during this update and download is the sound of the fans for air circulation.

I did a little bounty hunting last night. It wasn't much and it felt a little like I was in the kiddy park in the Low Res Site, but it was enough for me to get the initial feel of the Go Rin. I liked it. Even without the tweaks to the power source and capacitor from Qwent, it handled the requirements well. It was a bit sluggish, but I think that's because it doesn't have the maneuverability as the Praetorian used to. Not that I mind at the moment, I'm still getting used to the vehicle.

Some pilot asked me how long it was going to take. Apparently he didn't read the memo that's plastered all over the cafes, cantinas and Billets. I told him and he moved on with a nod to getting himself another coffee or whatever it was he's drinking.

I'm staying away from the tourist areas for the time being. They're definitely going to be frightened gazelles as there is positively no traffic in and out of the station. No traffic and less chatter always makes them panic and think the worst. I don't want or need to field their questions, queries or panic for the duration of this update.

I took the opportunity while having my morning coffee to write a couple of letters home. Told the family things are going well, that I'm currently in the bubble, although I might not have the time to visit them this rotation as I'm trying to get used to the Go Rin as I do standard patrolling.

Knowing my family, they'll be writing near immediately wishing me safety and good fortune, followed closely with questions on what hurts I have suffered since taking up this change of profession. They're too over-protective for their own good. That and they don't realize this isn't just a change of profession, it's just something to fill the time when I'm back in the bubble.

I think I'm going to be taking some time in the gym and then off to watch a movie or two while the update continues. There's a couple of movies that hit the cinema that I've been curious to see what they're about. Later on, I'll be working on the HUD again. Just because updates are like that.
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︎1 Shiny!
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