Logbook entry

Entry 98 - 10.01.3303 Off to the Deep Black once again

01 Oct 2017MBaldelli
Current System:  Crook Port, Tchehen

Overall, I was satisfied with what I was seeing about the improvements since the update earlier in the week.  I'm still trying to get used to the colour change to Khaki, but seeing a friend's ship pictures with the default amber settings, I can say it's not as difficult on the eyes as I first thought.  

It was a pain trying to find the Interstellar Factors Contact, lord knows I hit plenty of low security systems where they usually can be found.  But nope.  No luck there.  So it was traveling around the Bubble checking out the various random USS and collecting even more bounties and go to even more places.

They weren't kidding when they told me at requisitions that the Kill-Warrant Scanner makes itself worth it's price as it's scanning criminals.  What they didn't tell you is that unless you know where the low security systems are for the Interstellar Factors, you're going go b traveling around...  a lot.  

And I am sold on the Viper I bought.  Let me tell the story why.

Margulis Station, Tjindjin.  I was beginning the approach process for a landing for the repairs from doing a bit more in the res sites.  I was doing all right, while chatting with a friend that's finally gotten his Pilot's License when suddenly I hear the trespass klaxons going off as I was through the mail slot and quickly realized, it was for me.  

I forgot to actually request the landing when I was outside and kept happily chatting on with the friend.  

Requesting landing approval is a no go at that point.  it's about getting out of the station as fast as you can, waiting a minute before re-requesting and entering.  I did a 180, pointed myself at the mail slot, thought I had the exit angle correctly, and pressed the boost...

...Slamming right into the upper portion of the mail slot.  

Nope.  I didn't instantly blow up.  With a noticeable BANG and the feeling like I was suffering from whiplash all I did was bounce against the wall, draining my shields down to nothing, and losing 20% structural health, but I was alive, so was the Go Rin and with a quick reverse and exited before the turrets targeted me.  

Did a quick mission with that friend to HIP 37017 so that he could check out the black hole there.  He's definitely crazier than I was making the trip there and back to the bubble in nothing more than an Eagle.  Little did I know as I was coming back, there's another black hole to be seen not 3 jumps away from Tchehen at HIP 34707 as checking out that system saw it 54,000 LS from entry.  Had I know, I would've suggest there instead as he'd be closer to civilization than the one that I've had bookmarked forever.  

2.4 million credits of double-dipper cherry picking and finishing up a scan on another system closer to home adding 5 more rocks to my name...  I'm going to be plotting my trip this morning for Eta Carinae to unlock access to Professor Palin.
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