Logbook entry

Entry 100 - 10.04.3303

04 Oct 2017MBaldelli
Current System:  Wregoe DR-C c26-12

At 690 LY out from Crook Port, I'm seriously hitting the zone where cherry picking is going on, hardcore.  The system I jumped out of Witchspace into had 56 objects to scan with only the first star and it's planetary system having been scanned.  Completely left alone was 5 other stars and two planetary patterns.  

Ah, the joys of being a completionist.  

Also one week out into the Deep Black I'm already seeing problems with the updated navigation system.  While I'm still capable of plotting a course beyond the standard 1,000 LY range, I'm seeing plotting failing when trying to re-plot to Eta Carinae in the morning when I'm beginning my survey runs.  I was able to plot to one of the stars two away from it without problem though.  

The Pilot's Guild has issued warnings about this -- which I did see in the daily memos along with the other issues that were going on -- but they maintain that it'll be fixed soon enough.  I'm more concerned about the potential payout problems I was seeing for passenger missions affecting Exploration turn-ins, but I'll maintain my typical wait and see approach on it.  

Seeing Palin's requirements after getting the invitation points to the collection Unknown Fragments.  Doing a little research it looks like I'm going to have to do my fair share of work for them; unlike Qwent's which were practically handed to me hand-over-fist at Newholm and New Dawn Stations.   I'll get around to collecting those parts, but would prefer to dedicate a little of my time to doing something more productive than looking for needles in haystacks.  

But you've gotta do, what you've gotta do...

I've been talking with a friend that's gone native and enjoying the life of an explorer instead of the gun runner that he was introduced to from a mutual friend.  Only problem is that he's off to explore without either an ADS nor DSS.  Seems that he's wanting to channel a tourist instead of a surveyor.  He might not be making the money he should be getting, but his scrap book is rapidly being filled with a whole lot of pretty.  

And to think I was like that when I was still green.  

Also I got to see a Water Giant during my survey of Wregoe CR-C c26-13.  Ugly looking gas-like giant; more brown than mud, with Jupiter-like high atmospheric storms of white and grey.  I wanted to take a picture of it, but when I prepped the camera realize the comments people would make about it looking like bird droppings, cruised on from it.  Maybe one day I'll come across one that isn't so...  unattractive.

And with that. Time to clean up the cherry picking I'm seeing outside my cockpit.
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