Logbook entry

Entry 101 - 10.07.3303

07 Oct 2017MBaldelli
Current System: Pro Eurl DL-Y c23

Over the last couple of days I had worked out what the problem is with the navigation system.  While it's able to work out detailed refinement under the 1,000 LY range if you're using the same refinement for 5,000 LY and greater, it simply can't do so with the amount of stars in the Galaxy.  What I mean is if you're plotting a course on the higher frequency stars (O, A, B, F and G) it simply fails.  If you plot those courses using the standard fuel scoopable stars (KGB-FOAM as well as all low frequencies), it'll plot successfully.  

So in the morning when I'm getting back into the cockpit and the navigational system is requiring the daily replot, I simply have to select KGB-FOAM, let it replot to Eta Carinae, and then refine the search back to the higher frequency stars.

It might be annoying, but it is an adequate enough work around.

Yesterday morning, I came across an unidentified signal source in one of the systems I had been scanning at the time.  I thought to myself, this would be a wonderful test of the salvage rights permit that the Pilot's Federation has tacked onto our guild licenses.

I came out of super-cruise in the debris field of some unidentifiable starship that had some unknown mishap.  There weren't any occupied life pods and certainly no salvagable materials, but there was a small data cache package floating in the midst of it all.  

Good, I thought, opened the cargo bay hatch and started the cycle on approach.  

Realizing it was still too many kilometers away, I hit the throttle to speed up to it...

... Only to end up ramming into the thing at 110%

I watched it disintegrate on the cockpit as the shields did their work in ensuring that it wouldn't do any damage to the ship or hull.  

Yeah, I did facepalm when that happened.  Chuckled even at the rookie piloting error that I had caused.  Even chastised myself for it as I jumped back into supercruise and finished the survey of the system.  

Later on in the day, I was able to pick up three small data caches and they're sitting in the cargo bay.  It's a good thing so far that I haven't found any occupied life pods, if only because it's going to be some time before I return to the bubble.  I wouldn't want them to feel as though they're getting a little freezer burn for the extended time in suspended animation.  

However, if I currently have the room and I do across them; I'll do my best to pick them up.  At the present time there's no need to be calling Federation or Alliance services to come collect them.  I still have plenty of room.  

I received a message from the friend at home late last night.  Seems he's identifying the problems with his lackadaisical or cavalier attitude in keeping in touch with me.  I'm sort of glad that he didn't make any promises that he wouldn't be able to keep, but he did say that he'll be trying his best to keep in touch.  It's always good to receive a letter or two in the deep black.  Saves me from finding other things to do to focus on preventing the typical space madness that all Surveyors/Explorers go through.  

Came across one of the many brown dwarfs masquerading as a gas giant in the Praea Euq OA-A d77 system.  Was in the first position around the star and the disk itself was more than 590K KM in diameter.

As I said in the photo description, I really need to work on reconfiguring my photo suite.  

That's the end of my day at the moment.  Time to do more exploring and surveying.
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