Logbook entry

Entry 102 - 10.14.3303

14 Oct 2017MBaldelli
Current System:

It's been more than a few days since I've written.  I continue to push to the destination out in the middle of nowhere. surveying the vast unknown that is the Eurl sectors.  Pro Eurl, Plio Eurl and so on.  According to statistice (from the 4 Panel), I'm currently at 2,300 LY from starting sector.  Which means that sometime today I'll have surpassed the halfway point toward unlocking Palin.  

I'm also past the halfway marker of this journey and I can tell you based on the information I've collected, I will be staying out longer than expected.  Not sure when the plot back is going to start, and who knows how long that's going to take...  But I'm enjoying the time I'm taking in this and am fairly certain I will have earned my Elite wings during this mission.  

Looking out the cockpit window, I'm beginning to see the wear and tear on the nail polish -- err paintjob -- on the ship.  Which more than means it'll be gone by the time I get back to the bubble.  At least the good thing on that is it doesn't cost the amount of a ship to getting it repaired/replaced.

The wing that I've been assisting still hasn't made up their mind on which system they want to be calling their home -- or in this case temporary home -- until the Pilot's Guild has officially announced the acceptance of its charter.  

Noise from some of the other wings that have submitted their charters with the hope of being officially recognized as a Minor Faction have been waiting for the better part of the last seven months, so my wing has a long wait ahead of them for that.

During my off-time and the long distances between stars and planets during this survey mission, I've been reading through haunting the Extranet Suggestion Forums to the Pilot's Guild.  While there have been quite a lot of bright pilots out here doing this and that, there are equal amounts of truly sadistic pilots wanting to make life hell for the rest of us; in order to make their jobs feel more alive.  I rather like the mundane of some of my job;  it's relaxing in it's day-in and day-out routine.  

Before I go off on various rants and raves, I think I'll end it here.  I'm now halfway out for the requirements for Palin and that makes me feel...  satisfied.
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︎2 Shiny!
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