Logbook entry

Entry 103 - 10.15.3303 - The enjoyable grind continues

15 Oct 2017MBaldelli
Current System:  

As I continue to do my due diligence work between this being the farthest outside the bubble I've gone since the start of my career and my want to unlocking Palin at the same time; I continue on.  At this point this far outside the bubble, I'm going to finish filling up my cargo hold with any survey data caches I find from any USS I encounter.  After all, I seriously doubt there's going to be any life pods this far out in the middle of nowhere.

I think on the downtime during lunch I'll be working on the necessary voice training and activation of the additional AI package for the Zheng He.  I was supposed to do it a couple of weeks ago, but I held off on it because of previous experience with vocie-activation AIs.  Seems that I have moments where I don't always talk the same way as I should when it comes to an AI.  In fact, a couple of weeks ago after a survey mission I tried to get through the voice training when I got halfway I was beginning to say my words funny and the AI trainer was making me say things three and four times to get through it.

I decided to push it off for a day when I was less tired.  Today isn't one of those sort of days as I haven't been sleeping all that well (thanks largely to the fact that a ghost from my past decided to haunt me), but at least this time I'll be doing it at mid-day instead of the end of the day; so there's a chance I'll get through the training alive.

During my surface foray in Plio Eurl PC-B c27-23, I encountered yet another Federation Probe that had crash-landed on the planet.  While it's not much money, I can tell you that it'll be a bit more reputation with the Federation when I get back to the Bubble.  Hopefully, it'll be done at the temporary home ffor the wing, but if not there's always Ceos/Sothis where I can turn it in at.

Not a whole lot to mention at the moment.  Just a whole lot of distance traveled and a whole lot of unexplored planets to get my name attached to them.
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