Logbook entry

Entry 104 - 10.21.3303

21 Oct 2017MBaldelli
Current System: Ploea Eurl BQ-G d10-10

Ugh...  I always hate being required to be sticking myself into the med bay whenever I'm feeling not in peak condition.  While the AI for it is moderately careful -- albeit thorough -- I always have the usual sort of anxiety that it's suddenly going to lose it's capacity at being sane and I'll end up being hooked up to the machine like some really, really bad sci-fi horror movie.  Then again I'm not always the best patient either given the terrors I give doctors whenever it's time for my annual physical or if it's something more serious.  

Turns out that the diagnosis was some sort of ear infection that was causing me more than a little discomfort, dizziness and vertigo; making it impossible to get into the pilot's seat for more than a few days and leaving me in the bunk of my quarters for the majority of that time.   According the forensics, it was something I got when I went to visit the asteroid base Warinus in Lave.  Seems someone there had some sort of nasty infectious virus that had affected me.  

The AI put me on a standard pencillin regmine, advised against piloting, the usual bed rest and plenty of bloody fluids and to check back in a couple of days to ensure things were healing properly.  

Friday morning, it had cleared me of the worst of it, reinstated my ability to pilot and off I was back to the great black.  The pain in the ear's still there, but at least I can hear without feeling like half of my head's under water or blocked up.  And fortunately for me *knocks on wood* I didn't run my usual rounds of fever and delerium.  That wouldn't have been any fun in an enclosed space like the Zheng He's.  But that's a story for another time...

According to the odomter, I've 3,100 LY mark from my starter system.  Just another 1,900 to go to open up my invitation to Professor Palin.  Whether I collect the commodities for that pain in the butt engineer remains to be seen, but at least I'll have the pleasure of being able to land at his base and deal with his admin assistant.  

Unfortunately though because of this illness, it's put a dent in my current schedule.  So that means I'm going to be staying out for more than the anticipated time of 10.24.  Even with the make up time of 4'ish more days, I'm thinking I won't be making my way back to the bubble until probably mid-November.

And no sooner than I'm cleared for duty by the AI, I found an HMC that had the right gravity and a pretty intense amount of Polonium.  Landing, and no sooner than I've transferred to the SRV, I'm already getting a reading of high technology upon leaving the bay.  5 Km from touchdown I came across 6 occupied life pods.  It was a practice in exchanging the small data caches I've been collecting during this journey for space for the life pods.  

Now that the Cargo's full it's time to keep going...
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