Logbook entry

Entry 110 - 11.09.3303

09 Nov 2017MBaldelli
The bee-line home continues...

I am making record time getting home doing the honk, fuel scoop and run.  During my time away from the star, I'm using it to my advantage of checking the local map to see what ELWs and WWs I might have stumbled across in the system of my current route.  

So far, I surveyed a miss (mostly HMCs) that only had a payout of (estimated) 390K credits.  And a hit at 2.4 million.  The hit was because there was 1 ELW, 1 terraformable WW and several terraformable HMCs in the neighborhood.  After that's it's been pretty lackluster, even with the Ammonia World I accidentally discovered.  

Most of the time though it's a lot of rock and rocky ice, with the occasional HMCs and MRs that I know I'm passing up as I rush home to meet my deadline.  Seems that the course I'm taking has definitely been gravitating toward M & K class stars; almost a retaliation to the survey mission leaving the bubble.  Retaliation or not, a scan & honk is still better than nothing.  

The good news is that I should be in Crook Port by tomorrow.  

The other good news is that I'll be able to free up my cargo hold and turn in the life pods and data caches I picked up in the Deep Black weeks ago.  

The better news is that I'll be able to transfer to the Leif Eiriksson and head home to keep my tradition.  

I was thinking after I stop at home and fulfill my obligation and tradition, I'm going to be heading over to Farseer to tweak the Eiriksson a bit more.  That and compare notes as to some of the discoveries I had performed during this mission to unlocking Palin.  See what she has to say about the theories I've formulated.

And with that..  More jumping to do...  Here's hitting Crook Port sometime tomorrow.
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