Logbook entry

Entry 120 - 06.05.3304

05 Jun 2018MBaldelli
Current System: Wredguia FZ-O b33-2

I had received the necessary promotional work to push me up from Post Commander to Post Captain in just 6 days.  And while I'm only one rank away from being Rear Admiral and becoming eligible for purchase and captaincy of a Federation Corvette, instead of grinding out the necessary work I decided to take a brief break to pursue the fine art of Asteroid Mining with the CS Harbinger (formerly the Buccaneer).  The work is good enough in the Ceos/Sothis area, however doing it for days at a time is more than a little monotonous; and being a creature of impulse and diversity, I needed just that.  

Fortunately for me, everything I needed was obtainable for swapping out the necessary modules from pure cargo hauler to asteroid miner within the Little Bubble and a couple of million credits invested in the replacement modules, off I went to try it out in a system away from the activities of a resource extraction site.  

That's where I currently am right now:  Wredguia FZ-O b33-2.  A beautiful, pristine ice world with an rocky-ice ring of beauty.  

I picked a beautiful chunk of ice to give it a try on, only to find out I put the wrong module on the Harbinger.  Instead of the Collector Limpet controller, I had purchased and installed a Prospector controller instead.  While it did in fact double the output of the rocks off the asteroid, I had no way to collect them other than the old-fashioned way of piloting the ship and hoping to move fast enough before the ice evaporates and disappears from my sensors.  

This won't do.  Not at all.  

I'm going to have to return to Sothis and exchange the module for the correct one and give it another try.  

After I get through obtaining the Rear Admiral rank with the Federation, I'm going to need to make up my mind as to what I'm going to be doing next.  So far, the choices are:

1. Heading into Imperial Space to work on ranking up for the Cutter.  
2. Unlocking a couple of more Engineers.
3. Heading back out to Deep Space to survey more systems.  

Eventually I'll be doing all of them, it's just a matter of picking which one I'll be starting with before working into the next.  

All right, I'm done with the morning coffee.  Time to plot a course back to Brunel Station and exchange the limpet controller with the correct one I should have loaded up.
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︎4 Shiny!
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