Logbook entry

Entry 121 - 06.07.3304 The Road to Rear Admiral

07 Jun 2018MBaldelli
Current System:  Sothis

With my ranking in Post Captain at 92% completed, I can most assuredly guarantee that I will be Rear Admiral by the end of the morning.   While I might not have the available credits for purchasing the Federation Corvette, at least the option will be available to purchase it when I move to my new future home at Jameson Memorial, Shinrarta Dezhra.  

Yeah, I'll definitely be moving there.  It seems only natural given all the work that I've done for the Pilot's Federation.  But that's not happening the day after tomorrow though.  That's in the future.  

I have my ancient Terran Peso currently in my pocket waiting to be flipped for the next step in the laundry list that I had spoken about in the last entry I made.  Whether I'm heading into Imperial Space, or whether I'll be heading into Deep Space.  

As of 1138, I have been able to successfully complete the work necessary for the rank-up promotional mission required, now all I'm waiting for is one of the stations in Sothis to drop the mission.

Of course in the meantime, I've been doing a bit of cargo running between the two systems; not without incident.  It seems that a rather brash and over-zealous pirate in an FAS decided to engage an interdiction too close to Sothis A 7 A to try to grab the cargo I was carrying.  I had begun the necessary out-maneuvers to escape, he threw me toward the moon instead causing my AI to override my actions and pull me out of Supercruise.  

While I was fortunate in both my and my AI's actions, the pirate was not as I watched him crash into the side of Sothis A 7 A.  I mourned the loss of a good ship, but definitely not the pirate as his actions were both reckless as well as foolish.

As of 1245; I received my rank up mission for retrieving artwork in the Sothis System.  I might have taken the Harbinger for the collection, given that there was a warning for possible attack, I'm swapping over to the Tokugawa just in case.

At 1408 Galactic Time, I earned my rank and pins for Rear Admiral.

After visiting the local Federal Office and officially receiving my rank pins, perfunctory congratulations and documentation, I flipped my peso outside the office and on heads, I'm off to Imperial Space. Tails to Deep Space.

Heads it was.
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︎2 Shiny!
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